Integrative Psychotherapy : emetanalyse

Founded on an three dimensional understanding of humanity :

  • body/soma :  pertaining to what is visible and concrete
  • psyché/soul : pertaining to a person’s psychology and life history  what may be understood and interpreted
  • pneuma/ésprit : pertaining to that within Life which cannot be known or interpreted

The interlinking of these three dimensions constituting the person as a whole.

Three dimensional also as I take into account how a person fonctions :

  • cognitively, emotionally and in relation to others.


Somatic Trauma Therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress

Couple Therapy :

– Child Therapy : psychotherapieparlejeu

-Clinical Psychopathology : In France, the 2011 law on Psychotherapy requires a comprehensive training in psychopathology as a prerequisite to safe practice.



I seek to integrate a way of working in terms of :

  • being attentive to symptoms, the discomfort they may cause and their psychological significance.
  • taking into account the logic of a person’s inner structure and personality.
  • above all, respecting a person as a unique subject.



Integrative Psychotherapy meaning that I incorporate the following theories into my practice :

Person-Centred Psychotherapy
Which is based on an interactive dialogue with the aim of:

  •  clarifying with the person how they adapt to their personal difficulties and paradoxes.
  • enabling a person, within the reality of their strengths and limitations, to implement growth.

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
This is directed by an analytical approach, paying attention to the dynamics of the unconscious world of the individual and to the relational dynamics that may occur during the sessions. This is to help the person :

  •  gain awareness into their internal functioning which may be a source of conflict or discomfort for themselves and those around them.

Family/Couple Systems Therapy
Taking into account the environmental and family context, enabling family members to :

  •  work at inter-relational problems.
  •  adjust relational bonds which may hinder rather than help the well being and growth of the couple/family system and its individual members.